From kibble to cuddles: A first-timer's guide to pet ownership

Start training early

As soon as your dog is receptive, which is between 8 and 16 weeks, start teaching them to prevent bad habits and promote beneficial actions.

Use positive reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement to strengthen positive behavioral patterns by giving toys, treats, or praise for excellent behavior.

Be consistent

To prevent confusion and promote effective learning, keep all household members using the same orders and training methods.

Keep training sessions short

To ensure participation and avoid boredom, keep training sessions to no more than 15 minutes, and schedule several quick sessions throughout the day.

Be patient

Recognize that training a dog takes time and patience, that you should celebrate little accomplishments and maintain consistency in your methods.

Teach basic obedience commands

Make sure your dog understands basic instructions such as come, sit, stay,

Teach basic obedience commands

and heel so they can maintain control in a variety of settings. Consistent training is key to this.

Socialize your dog

Introduce your dog to different people, animals, and situations to build their self-esteem, avoid fear or hostility, and create a well-rounded companion.

Seek professional help if needed

If you run into problems, don't be afraid to speak with a behaviorist or professional trainer.

Seek professional help if needed

They can help you identify problems and provide specialized training methods.