Unveiling the Lush Kerala Monsoon: Unforgettable Travel Tips

While visiting Kerala during the monsoon season can be a beautiful experience, you should make sure you take the necessary safety precautions. The following advice will be useful:

Check weather updates

Prior to and during your journey, stay informed about weather changes and forecasts. Rain and some travel schedule interruptions should be anticipated.

Choose reliable transportation

Select trustworthy modes of transportation like authorized taxis, buses, or trains. Avoid driving in unkempt cars, especially when it's raining a lot.

Pack appropriately

Bring raincoats, umbrellas, and water-resistant shoes, along with other lightweight, waterproof apparel.

Pack appropriately

Additionally, use covers or waterproof bags to keep your possessions safe.

Stay informed

Make sure you are aware of any potential landslides, road closures, tourist attraction closures, or other natural dangers in the places you intend to visit.

Stay informed

For any travel restrictions or cautions, keep an eye on the local news and advisories.

Plan Your itinerary wisely

When creating your itinerary, take the weather and any possible travel delays into account.

Plan Your itinerary wisely

In case of delays or cancellations, factor in additional time for your trip and some flexibility.

Stay on designated paths

Follow approved roads and trails when visiting natural features including hillsides, forests, and waterfalls.

Stay on designated paths

Stay out of restricted areas, especially if there are evidence of landslides or it is raining heavily.

Be cautious near water bodies

When it rains a lot, the water level along rivers, streams, and beaches can rise quickly.

Be cautious near water bodies

Use caution. Steer clear of the sea while swimming in choppy or flooded areas.

Stay hydrated and nourished

Even if you don't feel thirsty, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Stay hydrated and nourished

To maintain your energy levels during lengthy trips or delays, pack snacks or energy bars.

Keep emergency contacts handy

Keep the contact details for your lodging provider, the local government, and any embassies or consulates with you in case of emergency.

Keep emergency contacts handy

For communication needs, you should also have access to a local SIM card or mobile data.