Slow pace of business can cause problems. The support of family will be helpful in progress in the workplace. Forget old things and move forward. Opponents will be defeated.
Avoid risky actions, loss is possible. Opponents can create obstacles in ongoing work. Will get relief from debt. Be careful while using new equipment.
There will be a very happy atmosphere in the house due to the arrival of guests which will keep the mind happy.
People associated with agriculture and art are likely to get a lot of benefits. Disputes may arise due to mismatch of ideas in the workplace.
Thinking too much about others can cause harm to you. With your willpower you will be able to complete even the most difficult tasks with ease
Mental stress can arise due to physical problems. Students will feel a lot of fear about the upcoming examination.
There is a need to control your ambitions. It is not right to break old traditions in the name of modernity. Don’t waste your time in small matters.
The obstacles coming in the way in completing your work at the workplace will soon be removed. The blessings of the elders of the house will always be on you.
You will feel very sad due to the misbehavior of the Loon in the family. Working people will have difficulty in maintaining harmony between home and office.
People will get ample opportunity to have fun. You will solve all the problems with the help of your intelligence.
Due to excess of work, inability to maintain harmony between office and home will cause tension in the mind. Spending more than earning will prove harmful.
The mind will remain depressed due to not being able to spend as per the circumstances. Unmarried people will get new marriage proposals.